Residential Interior Painting in Spokane

Home Painting Services in Spokane

Spokane Professional Painters has made a name for itself in the Spokane area because of our dedication to excellent workmanship, timely delivery, excellent customer service, and affordable pricing. We have fully licensed and insured painting experts that have years of experience. We are the premier painting contractor in Spokane, WA, and the surrounding areas.

If you have plans of painting your room, office or property, our professional interior painters can help you out.

Factors to Consider When Planning Residential Interior Painting

If you’re planning to get residential interior painting done for your home, there are many factors to consider before starting the project. These factors include color schemes, time frame, preparation, and cost. If you’re renting an apartment, be sure to check with your rental manager or landlord first to find out if they will pay for the labor.

Color Schemes

Residential interior painting color schemes can be difficult to decide on, and there are several factors to consider. One of the most important factors to consider is the layout of your home. For example, a large open floor plan can benefit from a color scheme that is consistent throughout. However, if your home is more divided into different rooms, a two or three-color scheme can help distinguish the different rooms.

To create a good color scheme, start with complementary colors. Complementary colors have the opposite effect on the human eye, so they go together well. Moreover, complementary colors can also be monochromatic or energetic. Complementary colors are also useful for a high contrast color scheme. These colors have opposite undertones that contrast one another.

While choosing colors for a residential interior painting scheme can be a daunting task, a professional painter can help you make the right choice in creating a more cohesive feel.


Preparation for residential interior painting is an important aspect of the painting process. Our professional painters’ preparation process involves gathering large and small objects and removing them from the room. It also involves removing the faceplates from outlets and switches. In addition, our painters cover the floors with tape and masking paper to prevent paint from splashing. We also use canvas drop cloths to protect your carpets.

The most common interior painting project involves the main living areas. These areas often contain numerous appliances and electronics. Before our painters begin, we will take out any big electronics or appliances, if possible. Also, our painting experts will protect expensive or special items from paint, or move these big items elsewhere. Regardless of the type of painting, proper preparation will increase the chances of a successful finish.

The next step in preparing a residential interior painting project is preparing the surface. This will ensure the best results. If we are re-painting an old wall, we may need to fix small holes or patch them with new paint. The wall should also be primed to ensure that the paint adheres to the surface. Drywall, which is commonly used in interior building walls, absorbs paint without primer, so it is important to prepare it properly.

Cost of Residential Interior Painting in Spokane

There are several factors that affect the cost of residential interior painting. You need to consider your budget and the time you have to devote to your project. A professional painter will know which paint is best for the project and will sand any rough edges and fill gouges with spackling compound.

The size of your house will also affect the cost of the project. Larger homes will require more paint than smaller ones. Painting multiple levels of a home will also add to the cost. Moreover, textured walls will require more time and materials. In addition, you will also pay a higher price for the painter’s services if you have damaged walls.

You can estimate the cost of residential interior painting by the number of rooms and bedrooms. For instance, a four-bedroom house will typically cost between $1,700 and $2,500.

Time frame for Interior Painting

Painting the interiors of your home is a great way to express your creativity, and it’s also a great investment in the future value of your home. However, most people don’t have weeks to spare to tackle such a big project, and a time frame is important to know before beginning.

Ideally, you should choose a time to paint the interior of your home during the winter months. This is because painting companies are less busy during these months and can offer you a more convenient appointment time. It’s also the best time to have your house painted in order to boost the value of your home.

How Our Professional Painters Can Help!

We are a fully licensed, bonded, and insured interior residential painting contractor in Spokane, WA. We offer a wide range of services, which include:

  • Room Painting Services
  • Kitchen Painting Services
  • Bathroom Painting Services
  • Basement Painting Service 
  • And More Interior Residential Painting Services!

Give us a call today to schedule your free service quote on all our interior residential painting services. Our contractors will visit your home to discuss your options for your interior residential painting services. We’re here to help, so call us to learn more about our services today.